
General Contractors

Scope Review

C.E.S. will perform their own estimate prior to analyzing Contractor’s estimates and pricing. We will acquire a minimum of three prices from reputable Concrete Contractors in order to produce a full scope checklist which is, then, resubmitted to make sure leveling sheets portray true comparison.

Leveling Contractors

Leveling sheet is a tool used to compare each price and each contractor. This allows us to help our client make a decision regarding which Concrete Contractor has the most complete estimate, at the most optimal price. C.E.S. makes it a priority to ensure that all contractors are aware of the safety and insurance requirements for each project.

Contract & Negotiations

Once a Concrete Contractor is chosen the contract submission and negotiations begin. C.E.S. will ensure that the contract includes all requirements needed to perform each project, while minimizing change orders and/or additions to the scope of work. Addressing retainage requirements and payment terms often results in a healthy price negotiation


Concrete Contractors


Procuring Vendors for materials and equipment can be the difference between a profitable job and an unprofitable one. C.E.S. will offer multiple solutions for each stage of the project. Whether its formwork, rebar or even concrete, we will ensure our clients have the best prices, and that they are from reliable sources.


For the benefit of General Contractors, Concrete contractors will sometimes include trades that are not performed in-house. Our goal is to level and buyout reliable Sub-Contractors that fit the requirements of each project. Some of the most sought out trades include, Waterproofing, Piling, Excavating and Rebar installers.

Shop Drawings

Each project requires different types of shop drawings. The most common requests are Rebar, Piles, formwork, Vertical Safety Netting system and Safety Straps. C.E.S. will manage submittal logs, reflecting revisions and engineer markups. With Concrete Superstructures, Slab Edge Drawings are critical for a smooth construction process in the field.


Contract Analysis & Negotiation

